Latest Developments in the Tragedy
Known as the Holy Orthodox Church
of North America (HOCNA)

As of the writing date of the letters below, the following developments have occurred. Father Panteleimon has developed prostate cancer which metastasized to his pancreas. Doctors gave him three months to live. Then, developments in the monastery came to a head when eight more monks who had been molested by Father Panteleimon presented “Metropolitan” Ephraim with deposition testimony. He, from what could be ascertained, dismissed all the accusations and tried to convince the molested to just forgive and forget. They proceeded to obtain justice from Bishop Demetrios, a newly ordained “bishop” of HOCNA, who also resided at the monastery. They all threatened to leave if Father Panteleimon was not punished.

A clergy conference was assembled in Boston, which included three HOCNA bishops, as well as Fr. Isaac and eighteen clergy. At this meeting, Father Isaac confessed with tears to all his guilt in covering up Father Panteleimon’s sexual sins and asked for forgiveness. It was resolved at this meeting to draft an open letter for general distribution to the faithful of HOCNA, of course with the intent to mitigate the damage of the scandal.

After threatening to destroy or “liquidate” by legal action, Father Isaac endeavored to bribe the monks from doing such a thing by offering them the proceeds from the sale of one of the monastery’s properties in Maine to the amount of two million dollars, which unfortunately the victims accepted. Thus, they participated in the cover up and continuation of the existence of an institution which in God’s eyes should be destroyed, because of its blasphemy.

Below follows two letters, one which Father Sergios distributed to a large number of prisoners, to whom the monastery sends monthly donations, explaining the current scandals in Holy Transfiguration Monastery, and the other addressed to Metropolitan Ephraim from Father John Fleser which gives a detailed chronology of the events.

What conclusions can a right believing Orthodox Christian draw from the recent happenings? There is only one conclusion, which in the eyes of God, are in accordance with His laws, the canons of the Church. All the clergy who left in 1986 were deceived and neglected to follow the canons of the Church which state that if only two witnesses exist against a clergyman for immorality, the clergyman shall be deposed. The clergy who left ROCOR instead believed the deceit of Father Panteleimon, Father Isaac, Metropolitan Ephraim, and those with them. The result of leaving the Russian Church Abroad was that they were able to avoid a trial against Father Panteleimon, on the false basis that the Russian Church Abroad had fallen into the heresy of Ecumenism. They were deposed and in defiance of their just deposition, founded their own new church, HOCNA. Thus they formed a parasynagogue that was graceless and continued to destroy the lives of countless innocent souls.

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